Talking to keep fishing, we must take into account the adequacy of time, which would be divided into two groups to talk about: Workers with free time for anglers.
First thing to say is that white-collar workers, the weekend is naturally a major fishing time, then catch a big fish from the point of view, the time is naturally a little short, but as long as able to capitalize on the trend, find it to adapt to the waters, you can still enjoy savor the taste of some of the defensive catch the big fish. Here say about my personal experience, we should find one to two hours to be able to reach the waters of the nearby lake or the city library. To do three selected three do not choose: The first election to choose no one under the pole over the place, between three to ten meters in depth, it is best not to vote was often lower pole waters;
Second, we must choose a relatively flat bottom place, considering the difficulty of sea-pole maneuverability, so do not choose underwater obstacles more places;
Third, we should choose the surface waters suddenly narrowed, the width of the joint surface of the water is also regarded as a good fishing spots. In addition, the larger the sides of the inlet is also a good fishing spots.
Second, of course, is that you can freely dispose of time fishermen, because there is sufficient time, you can find a wide range of better fishing grounds, and those in remote mountain lakes and reservoirs is preferred. This part of the point in the election as anglers have three election workers do not choose three principles: do not choose an option deep shallow nest try to do in the downstream lakes and reservoirs where more than five meters, twenty meters below the pit, and a small piece of the Rock cliff empty field under the pole as long as the pendulum, the big fish will certainly predictable; Alternative secluded trouble do not choose to find a deserted corner, even shed the path into the room, there will certainly be an unexpected large fishing was. |